What’s in a Number?

Posted by Customer Service on

Have you ever noticed that some natural products have an 8 digit number on the label?  This number is called a Natural Product Number (NPN) and it’s an indication that the product has been independently verified and licensed as a natural product for sale by Health Canada.  As a 25 year old Canadian-owned company in Vancouver, BC, Escents continues to be a global leader in natural products working with Health Canada to award many of our products with NPNs.

What are the Benefits of NPN?

  • Products with NPNs have been rigorously tested and regulated for safety and quality.
  • NPN certification provides consumers with information to make informed decisions about the products they’re buying.  Some of the information shared on the label includes: medicinal ingredients, non-medicinal ingredients and dosage form.
  • Certification makes the product’s recommended use or purpose clear.

Three of our most popular products with NPN certification are:

To learn more about NPNs please click through to Health Canada.

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